A beloved franchise, with a new historically significant episode, years in the making. An episode not without controversy, both in what's come before and what may lie ahead. Yes, it's another edition of this podcast, where we discuss an upcoming movie. We don't discuss any leaked
The Rise of Skywalker spoilers or rumored spoilers, but if you've even avoided the official trailers, or cast list, or any publicity, we do mention one character that you might not automatically assume would have a presence. We discuss
The Mandolorian as well, including some of the characters and dialogue up through the 6th episode, so consider yourself spoiler-warned on that as well. Also, trigger warning if you have aversions to discussion of kitten viscera, and/or the new build of the SWCT app. Other than that, it's the CTI you know and love...thanks as always for listening, and a special thanks to those who check in telling us they want to hear more...Michael's finely-honed indifference is vulnerable to the voices of the people.