Friday, May 27, 2016

Lowest Count Base Variants

Tune in to find out: which of our hosts was next to sustain a head injury by walking into a stationary structure? Which was better: Air Wolf or Blue Thunder? Also, some SWCT...we discuss the market for the single-digit count base variants, and especially the one count. We also talk a little The Walking Dead Card Trader, and an old Commodore 64/Apple II/DOS game that brings back memories for Rhett: Below the Root. Rhett, you can play online here, but it probably won't have the colors you remember. I'm guessing it looked more like this:

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hyperspace base, things for a dollar

What would you buy for a dollar? Rhett discusses how he'll buy anything for a dollar, a pricing weak point of his that can and has been exploited in various situations. Dollar stores are obviously his financial kryptonite, and he at least knows to avoid them. We also discuss what if anything could be done with the Smugglers Den mechanic to improve the ability to do things like meld multiple cards at once, to make things easier in the situation of having hundreds of cards to meld, like the hyperspace variants.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

8-bit & Manatees

Happy Cinco De Mayo! We wanted to wait for a more Star Wars-specific date to drop this episode,
but there didn't seem to be one, at least near the beginning of May, so we'll use this episode to celebrate something at least. Michael has said that these notes should not limit the episode in getting out in a timely fashion. So rather than withhold this one any further by typing about what you'll hear, we'll get it into your ears. At some point the 8-bit set is definitely discussed. As well as manatees. And let me just say, the opinions of the edible nature of aquatic mammals expressed by individual hosts does not necessarily represent that of the podcast itself. Enjoy!