Saturday, July 30, 2016

Card Count White-Out

We talk about post-SDCC things, including the card-count-white-out. My example of using card counts to aid in judging value in a trade fails, though, when Rhett informs me that the 2500 count Santa Cruz I traded away was actually worth more than the 750 count Rebels Watercolor that I was offered. And there are plenty of random topics to go around. Hot dog eating contests, casket advertising. The post-show is heavy on Preacher, comic movies/shows, the dislike for walls in movies that stretch out, and unboxing videos on YouTube.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Filoni cards, Hitch in the SWCT Giddyup

Michael talks about his enjoyment of Star Wars Celebration Europe, doing what it takes to enjoy it during a work day across the Atlantic. Rhett tries to pin down what's got him concerned about the state of affairs in the quality control and/or customer service arena at Topps. Meanwhile, though, cards keep coming, which is a good thing. Dave Filoni's set, announced by him at an SWCE panel, is a highlight. We discuss the quad sig card and where the sig count may go from here. Post-show is mostly about acute brain freeze pain, frozen yogurt, and imagining the use of Push-To-Talk in digital card trading.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

WWE Slam Is Here!...WWF to come?!

As the nation, yea, planet, is gripped in the throes of Pokemon Go, a new app emerges to vie for our attention...and succeeds, even as we record. We talk WWE Slam, and what we look forward to seeing in it action. We also talk some of the new SWCT goings-ons, like the digital badges, the new way to correct an error-ed card, optionally, via Smugglers Den. Good luck to everyone logging into Slam!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Medallion Monday Misstep, Chuchi Chase Begins

Rhett begins the long slog that will be the chase of the Chuchi rainbow. Michael talks about his experience so far with the UFC app...and even mentions considering downloading Kick (so now is as good a time as any to shore up your doomsday supplies/fallout shelters). We discuss the Medallion Marathon bundle, and while we don't have a problem with a bundle-only Marathon in principle, asking $25 for a bundle that may only contain a leftover card from another marathon is just bad for all involved.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

New Marathon Mechanics

We have a lot to say about the changes to the way the new marathons are being released. In addition to the cost and end of stacking marathons, we touch on separating tiny Lego pieces, inserting contacts, current Star Wars comics, and how bad Independence Day: Resurgence is. You wouldn't know it from that list, but we felt a lot more on-topic than usual. Whether that's a good thing or not is of course debatable. And we were apparently hungry, because the post-show is all food, from Fruitista to donuts. Enjoy!