Friday, July 21, 2017

Rhett's Back in the App

As seen on Twitter, the Kenner marathon set has done it -- pulled Rhett back in the app. He hasn't taken out a second mortgage on his house (yet), but he's not F2P, either. Will it last?

Also, we discuss tattoo technology, and some of us are looking forward to My Little Pony: The Movie. For the kids, of course.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

What's in a name?

An NSA contractor who was arrested for leaking confidential information happened to be named Reality Winner. Does a person's name lead to a certain Destiny, or is it just being born in a socioeconomic environment where a name is common that makes it so?

What's available at the modern public library? Rhett's opinion of them moves from indifferent to hostile. And then does the same with rural volunteer fire departments.

Michael's bought into the Star Wars: Destiny collectible (physical) card and dice game, and he and Rhett have gotten to play.

Rhett still hadn't been in the app when we recorded this, just before the Hasbro inserts dropped. But that changed after they did...stay tuned for the next exciting episode!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Star Wars Plot Twists, Star Wars: Destiny

Happy birthday, America! Seems like as good a time as any to release an episode.

Rhett cracks some Star Wars packs! Not Card Trader, but Star Wars: Destiny. A card and dice game that he's keen to recruit Michael into playing as well.

We discuss remote controls. Is a fake remote a good place to hide valuables? I.e., would it be taken in a robbery? Day-to-day, is the remote the most valuable item in the home?

Michael shares his new hoard in the app: credits. Not towards any purpose, just the most interesting thing for him to chase at the moment.

We also discuss the upcoming Star Wars movies, and the obsession in the Star Wars universe and fandom with plot twists.

Contest results not discussed in this episode, but are forthcoming!